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Image Specs – the most Powerful way to use AI Image Generation in Word

Image Specs gives you complete control and the most flexibility in your interactions with the DALL-E image generator.

Click the New Image Specs tool on the FlexChat Ribbon to create a new image specifications table.

The Image Specs is a table in your document for providing specifications to DALL-E .

If you want to change the default settings for new Image Specs you can do so in Settings. Also, you can use the advanced settings to indicate the exact values that correlates to these drop-down options. For example, when OpenAI comes out with the next DALL-E model, you can indicate that you want to use that as the Advanced model in Settings. See FlexChat.ai Settings Help for more information.

Image Model

In Image Specs you can specify if you want to use the Standard or Advanced DALL-E model.

For advanced users, you can define exactly which OpenAI API model is the Standard model and which model is the Advanced model in Settings. Each model has it’s own capabilities and cost.


You can select either the Standard or High quality image.

For advanced users, you can define what Standard and High Quality mean in Settings.


Here you can select to return a Square, Wide (landscape), or Tall (portrait) image.

Note that not all of these settings are compatible with every DALL-E image generation model. DALL-E 2, for example, can only generate a square image.

For advanced users, you can define the dimensions in Settings.


You can select Custom or Vivid.


Contains your description of the image to generate. Being more specific can help in creating the image that your expecting.

Create Image

When you’re ready to create your image, use the Create Image tool.