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FlexChat.ai Troubleshooting

This page lists some occasional errors found when using FlexChat.ai and provides suggested solutions for overcoming those errors.

The Server had an Error Processing your Request

If you get this kind of error, the Open AI API is probably having issues. See https://status.openai.com/ for updates on the issue.

SECURITY RISK – Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is untrusted.

If you’re getting a macro security error, chances are you’re trying to open the FlexChat.ai add-in (or create a new document from the add-in) from a folder other than your Word Startup folder. See Getting Started for information on how to place the add-in into your Startup folder.

ChatGPT Error – We could not parse the JSON body of your request.

There’s something unusual about the characters that you’re trying to send to ChatGPT. Sometimes you may see that there are odd looking characters in your text, and you can delete those and try again.

Unfortunately, Word has some odd characters which are actually “invisible”. The best way to strip out those invisible odd characters is to:

  1. Copy your text in Word
  2. Paste your text into a text editor (like Notepad)
  3. Copy the text from your text editor
  4. Paste it back into Word, over the text you had selected

ChatGPT Timeout Error

This error means that the ChatGPT API is taking too long to respond to the request. FlexChat.ai is very dependent on the speed at which the ChatGPT API responds. Open AI is working to add capacity and increase the speed of the response so this error should be less frequent in the future.

Here are some things you can try to get around the error.

ChatGPT Error: 401 Unauthorized Error

Other Errors

If you’re getting an error when trying to execute FlexChat, Simple Chat, Expand Text, Summarize Text, Create Image, or Simple Image – you might have changed your Advanced Settings to something invalid to OpenAI.

Make you understand what models are available to you and the parameters which can be used before making changes to your settings. If you’re not sure what was changed, use the Restore Defaults button in your settings to change back to the default.

See FlexChat.ai Settings Help for more information.

Always Showing Hidden Rows of the FlexChat Conversation

A feature of FlexChat.ai is that you can hide rows within the Conversation table by changing the font of those rows to Hidden. This lets users hide “instruction” rows for a cleaner interface. If the rows continue to show after you have sent the text to hidden, you can click the show/hide icon on the Home Ribbon to hide those rows.

If the text is still showing it is probably because you have set hidden text always show. Go into File, Options and then unselect the option to always show hidden text.