An Example of how can provide Feedback to Improve your Writing

This example demonstrates how to use to provide suggestions for improving your writing.

If you don’t want to start from scratch, you can download a pre-built Word document with these conversations.

After you open this document in Word, you’ll probably have to click “Enable Editing” before you can edit it.

  1. Open Word
  2. Insert a new Conversation into your document by selecting the New Conversation tool from the FlexChat ribbon
  3. Enter the Conversation values as shown below, changing the text that is within brackets to suit your needs
  4. Click the FlexChat tool from the FlexChat ribbon to get suggestions to improve your writing
Custom InstructionsI’m working on an [article/e-mail/white paper/blog post/job aid] about [subject]. The main points I want to get across are:
– [point 1]
– [point 2]
– [point 3]
Please read the attached draft and provide constructive feedback to help improve my writing.
Focus your comments on:
How well my main points come across.
Areas that need better explanation or evidence.
Suggestions for improving the flow and organization.
Any passages that are confusing or include errors.
Ways I could make the writing more engaging for readers.
Provide feedback in list format as if you were an editor or writing tutor. Be specific and aim your comments at helping me strengthen the draft. Do not simply edit or rewrite it directly.
User Prompt[Your writing]
AI Response

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