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  7. FlexChat.ai Table Creator Example

FlexChat.ai Table Creator Example

This Example Demonstrates how you can use FlexChat.ai to quickly create a table in Microsoft Word that contains the data that you want. You can create any type of list by modifying the User Prompt.

If you don’t want to start from scratch, you can download a pre-built Word document with this conversation.

After you open this document in Word, you’ll probably have to click “Enable Editing” before you can edit it.

  1. Open Word
  2. Insert a new AI Conversation into your document by selecting the New Conversation tool from the FlexChat ribbon
  3. Enter the Conversation values as shown below into your table
  4. Click the FlexChat tool from the FlexChat ribbon to get the list in your document
  5. Convert the list to a table
    • When the results appear, click within the results
    • Click the Move Below tool from the FlexChat ribbon
    • Select the list in your document
    • Select the Table, Convert Text to Table… command from the Insert ribbon
    • Click the OK button
Chat ModelStandard
Custom InstructionsYou will return a list of values following these instructions:
You must separate each characteristic by a comma.  For example: Inception, 2010, Christopher Nolan.
You must create header row containing the characteristic labels.
Important: You must not number the items on the list.
You must not include descriptions of values, only return the values.  For example: “750”, not “750 calories”.
User Prompt15 places to travel.  Include the name of the place, the country the place is in, and a good time to visit.
Table Creator Conversation